Dr.かすみ永田町クリニック(歯周病専門・インプラント・アンチエイジング) 2023年8月28日 診療開始



Periodontal treatment for life of abundance

Director Kasumi Kuse Barouch, DDS, CAGS, PhD
US certified Periodontist・Diplomate of American Academy of Periodontology

In order to keep our mouth healthy, the gums surrounding the teeth must also be healthy. For example, if a healthy tooth is to be a fine house, the foundation that supports this house, meaning the gum tissue, must be healthy as well. No matter how beautiful and well-built the house is, if it stands on muddy grounds or sand it will keel over.

Currently, worldwide the number of adults with periodontal disease is more than 50-80%. This means that more than 1 in 2 adults develop periodontal diseases. Some symptoms include inflammation of the gums, gum redness, bleeding when brushing, teeth becoming loose, bad breath, difficulty chewing, stickiness in the mouth, pain, pus eruption, discharge, dirty stains on pillows and pillowcase, and many more. However, the progression of periodontal diseases can be slowed down if it is treated in a timely manner and is possible to control.

The present progress of periodontal treatment is indeed remarkable, and what supports this advancement is the day-to-day research by clinical specialists and researchers. Periodontal diseases are not only limited to the mouth, but is also correlated to diabetes, heart diseases, kidney diseases, allergy, autoimmune diseases and many other systemic diseases.

Most of the periodontal diseases progress without being noticed specially in those with family history of periodontal diseases, planning to have orthodontic treatments, implant procedures, currently pregnant or planning for pregnancy. If any of the previously mentioned symptoms concern you it is recommended to visit a periodontal specialist to have a thorough check up.

The various type of periodontal treatments are available and the timing depends on the patient’s symptoms and their general condition.The periodontal specialist will make a plan according to each patient’s lifestyle. Because periodontal diseases are prone to relapse, post-treatment maintenance is crucial. This is done by dental hygienists under the supervision of periodontal specialists.

For the health of the mouth and gum, I recommend checking up your gum condition by periodontal specialist.

What is periodontal plastic surgery?

This is a periodontal treatment technique performed by properly trained periodontists to prevent further progression of periodontal diseases by correcting the type of gum tissue, shape and discoloration.

Achieving healthy and beautiful gum tissue leads to pleasing esthetics and self-confidence.

There are various techniques to periodontal plastic surgery.

Here are few examples:

For inquiries and appointments, please call us at:

+81 90 6495 7771

during clinical hours.

Treatment Example 1
(CASE 1: Recession)

Courtesy of Dr.Tsai
Courtesy of Dr.Tsai
Treatment description Due to periodontal disease, the receded gum line causes the tooth to appear elongated, can cause sensitivity to cold, hot, sweet, or sour foods. Even in the absence of teeth sensitivity, the rugged root surface can be exposed and tends to deteriorate the periodontal disease by increasing the multiplication of bacteria. In this case, we correct it by performing a delicate surgery by taking a tissue graft. It is a very delicate gum surgery.
Approximate treatment duration 90-120 minutes
Treatment period, Number of times After controlling the inflammation and depending on the region and condition, in most cases it will be completed in one surgical session. In about 3 weeks after the surgery, we will remove the stiches and reevaluate the post-op condition. It will take about 3 weeks for recovery.
Cost 1 region from 210,000 JPY +Tax (*Not covered by insurance. The cost is based on standard cases, and actual costs may vary depending on cases.)
Risk, Adverse effects General risks with surgical procedures
Infection, inflammation, slight discomfort/pain

Treatment Example 2
(CASE 2: Gummy face)

Courtesy of Dr.Yong and Dr.Dibart
Courtesy of Dr.Yong and Dr.Dibart
Treatment description Much of the gum can be seen while speaking, laughing, singing. In this case, you may not notice it but there is mild chronic inflammation. If this inflammation is left untreated, soon or later will lead to resorption of the supporting bone, resulting in teeth loss due to periodontal disease. There are several causes to this and depending on the symptoms, a periodontal plastic surgery technique called esthetic crown lengthening procedure can improve the gummy appearance. Other techniques can be used in combination. Both beautiful appearing gum lines and oral health can be achieved.
Approximate treatment duration 120-150 minutes
Treatment period, Number of times After controlling the inflammation and depending on the region and condition, in most cases it will be completed in one surgical session. We will use very fine and transparent sutures. About 3 weeks after the surgery, we will remove the stiches and reevaluate the post-op condition. It will take about 3 weeks for recovery.
Cost In case of 6 front teeth: 500,000 JPY +Tax (*Not covered by insurance. The cost is based on standard cases, and actual costs may vary depending on cases.)
Risk, Adverse effects General risks with surgical procedures
Infection, inflammation, slight discomfort/pain

Treatment Example 3
(CASE3: Color correction)

Treatment description In case of gum hyperpigmentation. I will adjust this discoloration with periodontal plastic surgery.
Approximate treatment duration 90-120 minutes
Treatment period, Number of times After controlling the inflammation and depending on the region and condition, in most cases it will be completed in one surgical session. In about 3 weeks after the surgery, we will remove the stiches and reevaluate the post-op condition. It will take about 3 weeks for recovery.
Cost 210,000 JPY +Tax(1tooth -2teeth) (*Not covered by insurance. The cost is based on standard cases, and actual costs may vary depending on cases.)
Risk, Adverse effects General risks with surgical procedures
Infection, inflammation, slight discomfort/pain

Treatment Example 4
(CASE4: Gingival Over growth)

Treatment description While using immunosuppressive drugs, anti-hypertensives or antiepileptic medications, the gums can become enlarged in some instances. This is due to the correlation between gum tissue and its inflammation. By performing periodontal plastic surgery, the gum will return to its beautiful and natural appearance.
Approximate treatment duration 120-150 minutes
Treatment period, Number of times After controlling the inflammation and depending on the region and condition, in most cases it will be completed in one surgical session. About 1 week after the surgery we will remove the stiches and reevaluate the post-op condition. This is divided into 2-3 times accordingly.
Cost 4 molars: 180,000 JPY +Tax
6 front teeth: 180,000 JPY +Tax
(*Not covered by insurance. These costs are based on standard cases and actual costs may vary depending on cases.)
Risk, Adverse effects General risks with surgical procedures
Infection, inflammation, slight discomfort/pain


Upon comprehensive examination, a treatment plan will be suggested.

Cost: 30000JPY +Tax (Not covered by insurance)

Approximate duration: 90-120 minutes

Please call to make an appointment.

+81 90 6495 7771

Clinic hours: 7:30~17:00 
 Closed: Wednesday and Friday

The time is now to create the foundation for beautiful teeth
– Message from Dr. Kasumi

For the general public
  • To all the culinary specialists and those in the food industry:

    If taste is an art, most culinary specialists wish to make an effort to create the best that there is. When there periodontal diseases exist, there is significant change in the sense of taste, also it will gradually become more difficult to grasp the characteristics of each ingredient. Even with the dish that you are used to making, the appearance may look the same, but it will be difficult to express the fine taste. Please come get a checkup by a US certified periodontist to shine ever so brightly as a professional culinary artist and please bring us happiness through food with your wonderful work.

  • To future mothers who are planning their pregnancy and those who are currently pregnant, breastfeeding, or at menopause:

    Woman’s life starts with the first menstruation and with pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and menopause, we are affected by female hormones throughout life. There is a deep correlation between female hormones and periodontal diseases. For beauty that transcends generations of life, please reevaluate the health of your mouth and your gums for an even brighter tomorrow.

  • Those with chronic kidney disease

    The periodontal diseases progress rapidly in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Also, there is a high risk of worsening. With a proper periodontal treatment by a periodontal specialist there are many cases that improve the condition. Let’s slow down the progression of periodontal disease with checkups by a periodontal specialist in medically assessed intervals.

  • Those who wish to glow even more beautiful

    Beauty is to be healthy first. No matter how handsome or stylish you are with nice hairstyle and perfect makeup, if your mouth smells bad they are ruined. Even with clear skin, do you have beautiful gums? Periodontal disease have the tendency to progress unnoticed and can erupt at any age. Having a healthy oral status and being able to eat whatever you wish, enjoying conversations, laughing and singing will bring happiness to those around you. Let’s find you new shine in your life by getting regular oral checkups from a specialist and treating diseases (if any) before they worsen. At Dr. Kasumi Nagatacho Clinic, we care for your oral beauty and your whole body.

  • Those who suffer from hypertension

    It is known that periodontal disease is related to hypertension, ischemic heart disease, stroke, heart failure, etc.. It is one of the most common diseases in humans, and it can develop in any ethnicity in any geographical location. Many of my patients who are also suffering from hypertension have noted that their blood pressure has lowered since treating their periodontal diseases. Properly treatment of periodontal disease will contribute to enhance the quality of life.

  • Those concerned about dementia

    It is known that with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, there is a correlation between periodontal clinical markers and microbial markers. It has been pointed out in many research that one of the most typical periodontal bacteria,P.gingivalis,can cause deterioration of Alzheimer’s. Periodontal disease is a progressive inflammatory disease, thus, it is important to treat it in a timely manner.

  • Those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases

    The mouth is part of the gastrointestinal tract. Normally, oral microflora cannot form colonies within a healthy gut. But when there is an inflammatory disease, colonic cancer, or liver cirrhosis, these bacteria can easily multiply. Inflammatory proteins that appear with periodontal diseases lowers the protective barrier of the gut. These inflammatory proteins travel through the lymphatics and cause the inflammation to become more severe. It is important to control the periodontal disease as much as possible with the latest treatment approach.

For Medical Specialists
  • To diabetologists:

    The prevalence of periodontal disease in diabetic patients is nearly 100%. The bone resorption rate in diabetic patients is especially fast, making it particularly difficult to control the tissue damage. Before the patient’s diabetes becomes severe, and if there is already a known genetic background, it would be best to work together to alleviate the condition prior to the onset of diabetes.

  • To rheumatologists:

    Certain periodontal bacteria can alter the host epitopes, which in susceptible individuals result in the stimulation of autoimmune responses in rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatic diseases and periodontal disease act in unison (come in hand in hand), so I wish to help those suffering from rheumatoid diseases from a periodontist’s standpoint.

  • To orthodontists

    In order to achieve the best possible outcome, as a periodontal specialist, I work with orthodontists in the care of gingival recession and lack of keratinized gingiva, exposure of impacted teeth by periodontal surgery, aggressive periodontitis, periodontal condition related to chronic systemic diseases, pediatric periodontal diseases, before, during, and after orthodontic treatments.

  • To cardiologists

    It is known that cardiovascular disorders and periodontal diseases are closely connected. Endotoxemia can occur if the LPS translocates to the blood. Also, I often see gingival enlargement in patients taking certain calcium channel blockers. Due to gingival enlargement, periodontal pocket ensues, causing significant accumulation of bacteria, leading to periodontal inflammation and results in loss of alveolar bone. APS can be seen in gum tissue condition. There are many aspects that we periodontal specialists can help with in achieving the most effect out of cardiologic treatments.

  • To oncologists

    It is important to control and prepare the oral environment prior to the onset of oral mucosal inflammation when using certain anticancer drugs. There are many things periodontal specialists can help prior and during treatments.



November 12th, 2024


Dr. Kasumi Kuse Barouch :

Director, DDS, CAGS, PhD


Nippon Dental University, DDS
Tokai University Medical School/Kanagawa Dental University, PhD
Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine, CAGS
Indiana University School of Medicine,The Certificate of Microsurgery Course in Section of Plastic Surgery


2023- Dr.Kasumi Nagatacho Clinic (Periodontal & Implant Specialist) , Tokyo, Japan Director
2021 -present M&D Medical corporation Clinic, Tokyo, Japan Head of Department of Periodontology
2017-2020 College of Dentistry, Imam Abdulrahman Alfaisal University.
(formerly known as King Faisal University in Dammam and University of Dammam)
Professor of Periodontology
Course Director of Clinical Periodontics
2015 -2016 Princess Nora University Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Professor of Periodontology
Head of Division of Periodontology
2015- Present Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Periodontology
2015-Present Slovak Medical University Visiting Professor of Periodontology
2011– Present Nippon Dental University Tokyo, Japan Adjunct Professor of Periodontology
2009 – 2013 Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
Instructor of Postgraduate Periodontology
2005 – 2015 Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
Director of Postgraduate Applied Pharmacology
2004–2015 Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
Clinical Assistant Professor of Periodontology
2001 –2008 Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
Clinical Assistant Professor of Implantology
1991 - 2019 Kanagawa Dental University
Yokosuka, Japan
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology


Fluent in English and Japanese

Personal Information:

Nationality: Japanese

Married with two children

Chief Consultant of Periodontal Health for Japan Football Club [NPO], Primavera Tokyo

Concert pianist (Classic)

Professor of Japanese Tea ceremony (YABUNOUCHI School)

Professor of Japanese Flower arrangement (IKEBANA, Shinmishoryu School)

Licensed Chef (Graduated from Hattori Culinary School in Tokyo)


Cooking, Reading, Ballet, Wine/Sake tasting, Opera, Bonsai

Interview with SaudiReal TV


Dr.Toshifumi Ozawa :

DDS,PhD, Oral Surgeon,

What is key in implant treatment

Currently, implantitis (inflammation around the implants with bone loss) is a hot topic worldwide. Perfect periodontal treatment prior to implant treatment is imperative in order to avoid it. Otherwise the implant will not stay in the mouth in a healthy condition. Implantitis also affects systemic condition. It is important to obtain healthy gum tissue that is easy for the patient to take care of at home and also easy to maintain at the clinic.

What is important in implant treatment

With the final tooth (implant supported crown) position and its shape in mind, it is important to accurately design the position, and moreover to perform the surgery according to the design exactly. In other words, the depth of the implant, inclination, 3-d (dimensional) position are very important. This will allow for easy maintenance of the prosthetic screw and implant supported tooth, and will be able to use this implant for longer period of time.

Brief Bio

1981 Graduated from Nihon University School of Dentistry
1985 PhD in Implantology
1990~ Saitama Medical University Oral Surgery Instructor
1998~ Ozawa Clinic

Dr. Hideki Numoto :


I come from a family of generations of physicians, and from early on I wondered if the food that we eat and lifestyle habits that we have formulates the person’s life. From the many patients that I was able to treat, I noticed that by only focusing on a specific disease, some patients were not improving as well as I had hoped. For example, a patient with hypertension who was treated by Dr. Kasumi for periodontal diseases, their conditions drastically stabilized. Among patients suffering from diabetes, comparing those who were not treated for periodontal diseases and those who were treated by Dr. Kasumi, it took no time for the numerical values for those who were treated to approach the normal range. Currently, many systemic diseases, including genetic diseases, and periodontal diseases are being researched at the molecular level. We have more understanding of the correlation between arthritis and periodontal diseases. The connection between many chronic diseases and periodontal diseases is a current hot topic.

At Dr. Kasumi Nagatacho Clinic, we will also be managing periodontal diseases from antiaging perspective. We will be a bridge and make referrals to the necessary medical specialists according to the patient’s needs. Please be sure to visit for routine checkups to a periodontal specialist. It will also be beneficial for prevention of other diseases. Medically structuring and accurately designing lifestyles and so forth from any age in a developed country with longer longevity like Japan, there are many things that we can do for a healthy and beautiful life just by re-examining the quality of life.

Brief Bio

1984 Graduated from Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine
1990 Graduated from Juntendo University Graduate School of Orthopedic Surgery
2003 Yamanashi University School of Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor
2016 Rajeubeau Clinic

Dr.Masato Takahashi :

Anesthesiologist (Dental/medical),

Intravenous sedation is an infusion with sedatives that relieve the tension and pain and allows for pain free surgery that allows the patient to doze off while receiving the oral care. It is said that toothaches are one of the worst pain that human kind experiences. There are many Japanese people who are persevering and endure the pain, but the intravenous sedation, which is a world standard, can allow the patient to receive treatment without baring so much discomfort. Intravenous sedation is also known as relaxing sedation. The patient can receive treatment while comfortably dozing off, pain free and without fear.

For patients, I aim to provide a relaxing and safe and secure environment, and for the surgeon and their team, I thrive to provide an environment where they can fully concentrate on the surgery at hand. If there are 10 patients, there will be 10 different sedatives according to each patient’s general condition, genetic backgrounds, and mental health. During periodontal treatments there are occasions (cases) in which anesthesia and other drugs will be infused at the same time. At Dr. Kasumi Nagatacho Clinic, my goal is to personalize each case to the patient and the surgical team’s needs and I will provide the best possible treatment by customizing for each patient.

Brief Bio

Graduated from Kanagawa Dental University School of Dentistry Department of Dentistry
2001 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
2017 Saitama Medical University Department of Anesthesiology Assistant Professor
2023 Fussa Public Hospital Head of Department

Mrs.Sachiko Honda :

Pharm D, RPh, Secretary, Pharmacist

During my life I was blessed with supportive superiors and seniors, who taught me and guided me and these valuable advices have become my life possessions. I enjoy interacting with people and my happiness is to do work that makes the people around me glad. I wish to pass on the knowledge and experiences that I have learned until now to future generations. Even with my pharmacy background, I have come to experience various aspects, so I feel that I could be useful in a broad range of situations. Completing any tasks that I was entrusted with, having a positive mindset in any circumstance, and tackling any tasks that come with enjoyment is my forte.

It seems like fate that I was blessed with the opportunity to help with Dr. Kasumi’s work this time. I came to learn that I have limited knowledge in periodontal diseases and with new learning ahead, I wish to contribute, as a member of team Kasumi, in proving customized treatment for each patient.

Brief Bio

Graduated from Toho Girl’s Senior High School

Graduated from Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy (current Keio University Faculty of Pharmacy)

Pharmaceutical manager and secretary at JALUX

First aid instructor at Japan Airlines Group

Mrs. Madoka Yazawa :


I believe that each patient has their concerns and uncertainties. As a member of the staff, I wish to help eliminate any uneasy feelings, so that our patients are able to receive treatment securely and safely. I am proud to be part of the many patients’ healthy future with pain free and brilliant days with world standard and advanced treatment techniques. I will strive each day to assist in creating an environment towards each patient’s smile and future.

Brief Bio

Graduated from College of Dental Care and Health Sciences

Cocofump Nursing Caregiver

Mrs. Mari Kobayashi :


I have been gaining experience as a dental hygienist. I have been working hard to learn from various fields and I have been caring for specialized oral care, but having empathy and care for each individual patients with cordial manners is something I keep in mind at all times. Oral health is directly connected to physical and mental health. If the oral health condition is made better, the overall body condition will get better, and will lead to beauty, then to daily happiness. I wish to sincerely support and learn more than ever, in order to bring out happiness and smiles for you.

Brief Bio

Graduated from current Kanagawa Dental University Junior College Dental Hygiene


Our clinic is located on the 3rd floor of The Kitano Hotel Tokyo, next to the Nagatacho Station. For patients who are concerned about the public eyes, we welcome you from another entrance to the clinic.

2-16-15 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo-to 102-0093


Nagatacho Station

Nagatacho Station (Tokyo Metro Yurakucho line, Hanzomon line, Namboku line) 30 sec walk from exit 4

Car Access

3 minutes by car from the Metropolitan Expressway Kasumigaseki Exit

※Parking at the hotel is on a first-come, first-served basis.



For inquiries and appointments, please call us.

+81 90 6495 7771

(Please make an appointment by phone during clinic hours.)


Clinic Hours & Holidays
Clinic Hours Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
7:30~17:00 × ×

☆Clinic hours on Thursdays are 13:00-19:00.

Appointments are required by phone.